Friday, February 26, 2010

Melrose Email

If we visit a site that requests an email address for you to post, you can use the Melrose school email. Go to and the username is melrose password is melstudent.


  1. this is a great and fun way to communicate!

    Emma 4-3

  2. that video is old ......but they do sing good :)

    madison T.

  3. Hi Ela my favorote animill is a unicorn. I like going to the Polynesian Spa to play in the pool. I like going to the luge. I like playing on computers. Rotorua is very pretty and has lots of lakes. We have sulphur in our air which can make it a bit smelly. Hundreds of years ago Mount Tarawera erupted - it is a volcano near our city.

  4. Hi west my talent is skateboarding biking and climbing what do you like doing the best

  5. merry christmas have a great christmas holidays iam go to the South Island for my holidays it is going to be good I have my christmas tree up ihave put prezzys

  6. MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody. We have cool things that we are doing.

  7. hi i had 2 dogs but both died. Anyway i was replying to say merry christmas.
