Saturday, December 1, 2012

Shakespeare, anyone?

The Providence Atheneum (pronounced Ath-A-Nay-Um) puns on it's name in true Shakespearean style. Juliet says:

That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet

So a performance of Romeo and Juliet in this beautiful, historic 1838 library is called "A Rose by Any Other (Athe)Name"!

Would you like to perform in it? If you're in 3rd to 5th grade, you can, and be taught acting by our famous Trinity Rep. Have your folks read the annotation below, and break a leg!

Thurs, 12/13 – 3/28, 4:00-5pm: Trinity Repertory Company and the Providence Athenaeum present: A Rose by Any Other Athenaeum, a site-specific Romeo & Juliet for 3rd – 5th Graders! Trinity Repertory Company's Education Department and the Providence Athenaeum are proud to announce a new partnership this coming winter and spring. 3rd – 5th graders are invited to take part in a 30-minute, site-specific presentation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet performed at the Providence Athenaeum. Rehearsals will take place at the library from December through March, with the final performance on Thursday, April 4th. Taught by Trinity Rep Education Director Caroline Azano along with Trinity Rep education staff, young actors will learn the basics of bringing Shakespeare's words to life before starring in an actual production of the famous tragedy in the Providence Athenaeum. For more information about cost and specific casting and rehearsal dates, go to the Children's Library website. You can also contact Caroline Azano for more information about Trinity's Education Department at or 401-521-1100 x230.

Rose image borrowed from Google Images, website:

Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 Porquoi Stories from the Third Grade Melrose

We proudly present Porquoi stories written by third graders here in Melrose School.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Reading Week

You can see the video, you can hear the broadcast! The audio is in the widget under the video. They do not mesh simultaneously, so enjoy one, and then the other.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Fifth grade's Lawn Manual

The fifth graders from the Comic LIfe after school program have created a manual for you to navigate your new school.
Click here to see what they've created.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Netiquette Survey

Since we are working on wikis and glogs we need to be good internet citizens. Let's see how much you remember about Netiquette by taking this survey:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.